For those who want to use their brains ( or what's left of it ), a japanese game called tangram. Try to combine the blocks to form the right image. play game
Remi Gaillard at his best, as a decathlete in the streets of Paris, an absolute must if you like a laugh. Some of the people who were victim of his pranks couldn't laugh about it though. watch video
As you probably know , flat screens are not exatly the strongest items around. Well, Asus is trying to improve a bit on that, well, a bit... This could solve my problems.
E-bay has already taken off the advert, but on monday you could have pushed to buy Belgium through the site. A Belgian journalist, Gerrit Six, put on the ad with an initial value of 1 million euros, but later the price had gone up to 10 millions, because of the 26 offers.
This week's fine goes to Microsoft. 497.000.000 euros for abusing its dominant position and pushing Media Player. They should give them another 1.000 million euro fine, just for using so many Gigas to run Vista.
And for all the Scots and other football fans amongst you that want to watch a great goal , here is the McFadden one in the France-Scotland Euro qualifier. watch video
Probably the best photos you'll see today. If you can stand the boring fart that is narrating the story, the photos are brilliant. And say again that polar bears are dangerous. watch video
The best marathon in the world! 8.000 people running from chateau to chateau in Pauillac ( Bordeaux, France ), drinking wine at all of the 23 wine chateaus along the route, so it is not surprising only a few get to the finish line. As one of the competitors said : " if I arrive at the finish, I didn't drink enough."
The adventurer Steve Fossett is missing, but at least here we are certain the parents didn't do it... Now you can help finding him through Google Earth.
And a bit more football. Have a look at the new Ronaldinho in his office. He doesn't have a lot a work to do if he has time to practice on this. Awesome! watch video
From here we would like to show our pain for the death of 22 year old Seville player Antonio Puerta, the Spanish international who died this week. And what better way then with his goal against Schalke04. And we do not want to forget the Zambian player Chaswe Nsofwa of Israeli second division side Hapoel Beer Sheva. watch video
Update on the miss dumb blonde video, here is a compilation of the stupidities said by her against the ones coming out of the mouth of the president of the U.S. It means you do not have to be intelligent to be president of the States either.
What do you do when you have some spare time in the office? Yep, telephone sex with your wife, but the faces of the people standing in the elevator are hilarious. watch video
Hi again to everyone. Holidays are over, so here we go again.... And here's a hole in one to start with. Oh, i forgot to tell, the woman who hit it is BLIND!!! read article
You would not want this cat to come and cuddle you when you're in a hospital in Providence , Rhode Island, U.S. Because you only have a couple of hours to live when HE comes. read article
The new Belgian Prime Minister doesn't know the national anthem. When asked to sing some lines, he started with the Marseillaise! And it wasn't his first stupidity. read article
I am not to fond of the tattoos, but the body and the car are quite nice. This naked lady stoppedat a petrol sation in Germany to buy some cigarettes. The photographer could have done a bit more with the subject though.
The first one of the week is called Andrea Rincon. Never heard about her, but i should have. Anyway, everything will change after watching the video below. watch video
Always wanted to be part of the Simpsons? Now you can do it on All you need is a photo of yourself or the person you want, and the site will do the rest. The photo next to this is of Sven and his Man City team.
A 75 year old Swedish grandmother has the fastest internet connection in the world. 40 Giga/sec!!! They should fine Telefonica another 152 million euros/month until we have that! She could download a HD movie in less than 3 seconds, but will only be using it to read the newspapers. read article
For those amongst you that remember the comedy "Airplane"(1980) and, like me, laughed their heads off, it might come as a surprise that it was actually a remake of "Zero Hour", a movie made in 1957. Some off the text was taken over word by word. watch video
Some things are better not done by "cool dudes". They should leave them to professionals. See here what goes wrong in this take for a hip hop band. watch video
Why does it never happens to me? A German driver saw money falling from the sky and stopped to collect it. And then she handed it over to the police!!!!!! read article
Great new promotion campaign on Youtube by the European Union! 44 seconds of authentic "Let's come together", a rather twohearted title for Europe,s campaign. ver video
Police closed down a bizarre sex hospital in Antwerp, Belgium. The private enterprise was equipped like a real hospital, but its operations ranged from amputating penisses and putting needles in nipples to sewing vaginas. Nobody got arrested, because the prime suspect died 3 weeks earlier. Their website here.
Looks like Michael Jackson's kids are at a halloween or carnival party all year. This was taken during a performance by some Japanese kids in Tokyo. Bloody abuse, if you ask me, and his kids do not look like they are enjoying themselves.
A compilation of some athletes who need a bit more practice if they want to win a medal. Some of them will have been in some serious pain afterwards. watch video
Friday, 29 June 2007
Brilliantly done video : Ocean's eleven by eleven year olds
A Serbian farmer has replaced his wife's name on the family grave with a picture of his favourite cow. Zivomir Nesic, 58, from Markovac, demanded his pre-ordered gravestone be changed after a row with his wife. He said: 'I always said my wife was a cow so, if I'm going to have a cow on my grave, I would rather it was one I actually liked.'
The Andalusian government reckons they have done an "excellent job" on the new building plan for Marbella. In the end, the urbanisable surface will increase by 31,2%, more or less what the infamous and deceased mayor, Jesus Gil y Gil, wanted and gave permissions for, so what has all the hassle been for? Building land increases by 15,8 million square metres to 56,5 million square metres. read article ( in Spanish )
Parents are not too happy about Doug Markwith, a local photographer, who likes to take nude pictures of their daughters. Of course, this is all just free publicity for his site, which got some gorgeous birds on it by the way .
hi, this is my new Costa del Sol site, with the news, the SCANDALS, lots of fun stuff and quite some sexy photos. Since I like women and drinks ( and some other vices as well ), a lot of the stuff on this site is not completely politically correct, so just enjoy it. If you would like to contribute to this blog, please leave a comment with your e-mail.