Some ( of the more decent ) photos from the set of the porn movie with Lisa Ann as the candidate for the vice presidency of the U.S., S. Palin, who gets the visit of a couple of Russian soldiers. see photos
The game of the week's title is too long to put it above this text, but here it is : The Journey of Endless Entertainment, Matt Sandorfs latest. A great adventure game, which seems really hard to me , but luckily you ( or I ) can save it whenever . Play game
Global warming might give us a few surprises, even if only in the form of the icebergs, like the one on the photo, of which scientists believe that it is only a matter of time before an armada of penis-shaped chunks begin to break off the Antarctic ice floes. read article
Haven´t been able to do a lot since i have been watching all of the olympics these last 2 weeks, so here is one of the German canoe participants : Nicole Reinhardt.
Some more football, but very funny this time. This ref is having a good time. It happened in the Belorussian first division, and he also is ( well, was probably ) an international whistle blower. He did not come out of the middle circle, and forgot his cards. watch video
It all started with an appearance in a Will Smith videoclip, and after a few years she already had leading roles in various big movies. Here are some exiting photos of the babe of the week : Eva Mendes. see fotos
Since dreaming doesn´t cost any money, here are some photos of one of the Wally projects for gigayachts. Wally have been building great sailing boats for a while, but now they have raised all the standards. Or what about a garden on board? see photos
Although I'm not exactly a tennis freak, watching the 2008 Wimbledfon final was an amazing experience. It could have gone either way but just a week after Spain won the european title in football, this is another major success for Spanish sports ( and Alejandro Valverde looks like a serious candidate to win the tour de France too ).
You can't smoke tobacco anymore in Dutch bars, restaurants and coffeeshops, but there is no law against smoking a pure spliff!!!! So, what are you waiting for, just get there!
After the hangover caused by Spains victory in the euro 2008 final, and the obvious party afterwards, here is the video of the highlights, nearly all Spanish because they really outplayed Germany. And what a player is Cesc Fabregas! watch video
24 years later, Spain made it to the final of a mayor championship again. And that came with some awesome play against Russia as well, just watch the second goal again on the video link below. Let´s hope that 44 years later they are good enough to win it again. watch video
The highest fairground in the world is situated in Las Vegas at 850ft on top of a hotel, so you´d better not suffer from vertigo. If so, stick to roulette and blackjack or the slotmachines. see photos
It is like the famous story from Franz Kafka, but the idiot from Neverland did choose for it himself. The metamorphosis of Michael Jacson on video. Hilarious or terrorific, choose yourself. watch video
Well, after 2 years in second division, Malaga football club won a well deserved promotion last sunday in the "La Rosaleda" stadium against Tenerife, and will again be playing against the likes of Real Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, and Betis, to name some. So, get your season ticket asap. For more info : The international supportersclub of Malaga CF,
Well, she's a few year's older and the photos are not shocking but I found these Carmen Electra shots somewhere, so I thought I would't keep them from you. see photos
If you're going to make a family photo of your holidays, better check around you first. This family obviously forgot about that. click photo to enlarge
hi, this is my new Costa del Sol site, with the news, the SCANDALS, lots of fun stuff and quite some sexy photos. Since I like women and drinks ( and some other vices as well ), a lot of the stuff on this site is not completely politically correct, so just enjoy it. If you would like to contribute to this blog, please leave a comment with your e-mail.